Is PACE the Right Choice for My Elderly Loved One?

Posted On June 27, 2017 Nursing Home Abuse

Closeup of an elderly man looking away in deep thought , depression

In California, PACE is an option worth considering and comparing to a nursing home. The Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, or PACE, provides care similar to what might be received in a nursing home, but allows your loved one to remain in his or her home while receiving help.

What Is PACE?

PACE is a program that coordinates the efforts of different healthcare providers and specialists to offer in-home care for the elderly. One of the benefits of this program is that each person enrolled is treated as an individual, with a program designed around his or her needs. Programs include in-home services, including bathing and some housework, as well as regular transportation to a health center or physical therapy.

How Does PACE Compare to a Nursing Home?

The idea behind PACE is to offer a level of care similar to that received in a nursing home, but provided in a person’s own home. In order to qualify, the senior citizen must be deemed appropriate for a nursing home, be 55 years of age or older, and live within a service area of the PACE program. Medicare and Medicaid can offset the costs of being in the PACE program, but additional expenses must be handled privately. Everyone in the PACE program has prescriptions covered, but must change to a primary care physician assigned by PACE, rather than keep a preferred doctor.

Many daily tasks are done for the resident, or a nurse can offer assistance at home. Transportation is provided as needed to a nursing home, where physical therapy and treatments are given. Most nursing homes also have one or more physicians who provide ongoing care.

What Should I Do If I Suspect Abuse?

Whether you have a loved one who lives in a nursing home, or who receives care at home in the PACE program, if you suspect any kind of abuse, you need to act immediately. Call the California Department of Social Services at (877) 477-3646; and contact a San Diego elder abuse lawyer at Siegel Law at 562-645-4145 to make sure your loved ones are taken care of.


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